Character Sketch for Miley Maggot
As I write this, I am waiting for scene 15 to render. That leaves one scene remaining to be animated, the Educational Maggot Sequence—scene 14. Yes, that’s right, the Educational Maggot Sequence…don’t all kids’ shows have one of those? Maggots are an important part of nature, it’s time folks learned that. And if you squint when you look at them, they are kind of cute (note-you may need to squint really hard).
So, where does this put The Many Maladies of Marty Mitchell: Of Maggots and Meat episode on its timeline to completion? Well, I’m glad you asked. Very near the end, but not quite there. My goal is to complete scene 14 this week. That will mean every scene (every second, every frame) will have been animated. But?
There are a few stages left in the process:
• Refinement: I will review every shot and decide what needs to be tweaked and improved. Every scene will have many animation and compositing adjustments to make.
• Audio: Music needs to be created, sound effects need to be added/recorded, and it all has to be mixed together.
• Credits: I need to compile a list of everyone who helped in some fashion and build a credits sequence. I want to add illustrations of characters throughout. I still need to draw them.
• Final Conform: Everything (sound, picture, etc.) needs to be put together and output.
So, yes, the brunt of the work is complete. Yet, there is still a lot to do. My hope is to have a final completed video before the New Year. If life steps in and makes that impossible, I beg it not to push that date back any further than late January.
It has been almost three years since that day a group of us turned my living room into a shoddy greenscreen stage. It is time for Marty Mitchell to be finished and unleashed on the public. If the world must end in 2012, let it at least end with a  smile as Marty and friends defeat the terror of Mr. Meat!

The Fridge Landers congratulate Marty.
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