Marty has also been uploaded to YouTube for those who would prefer to or have to watch it that way.
Also on YouTube
July 12th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Marty is Online!
July 11th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Egads! The time has come. The Many Maladies of Marty Mitchell: Of Maggots and Meat is online for everyone to see! Stop reading and engross yourself in all 13.5 minutes now. Oh, and share it with everyone you have ever met. Stop reading for real now. Why are you still reading this? Watch the video already!
Coming to the Internet
July 8th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
The Many Maladies of Marty Mitchell: Of Maggots and Meat (man, that is a long title) will finally be coming to the internet. It happens this Wednesday, 11 July 2012. Every person on the planet whose government doesn’t restrict his or her internet access will be able to see all thirteen and a half minutes in their full 720p HD glory. Let your friends know, let your grandparents know, let the inmates know: Marty Mitchell is about to be unleashed on the internet!
Teasers available here if you need a quick fix or want to prepare your palate.
Many Maladies World Premiere
March 17th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Marty and his family prepare to see the final movie for the first time
After three years of teasing and promising, I was finally able to show people “The Many Maladies of Marty Mitchell.” It premiered last night at the Goethe Institute in Los Angeles at a special Butcher Bird Studios Screening. Hopefully I’ll be showing it to more and more people in the very near future. Thank you to everyone who came out last night and anyone who has supported this project at any point in the process.

Reception before the screening began

The folks behind Butcher Bird Studios