No more staring at still images and imagining how they move and sound. A new Many Maladies of Marty Mitchell preview video is online! Three minutes of preview clips and storyline information is all yours if you simply click the ‘play’ triangle above.
New Video Preview
April 18th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
The Wheel of Progress Spins
March 28th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

character sketch for Freddy Foodstuff, narrator of the Digestive Education Segment
Scene 11: Pancreas Island in the Land of Gastros was completed a couple of days ago. I will need to tweak a few things (much like in every other completed scene), but it is 98% done. If it had to go into the final project as is, I wouldn’t cry (much). This is to say the visuals are complete, the audio for the scene won’t be touched for a while.
The Many Maladies of Marty Mitchell Pilot Episode “Of Maggots and Meat” will be composed of 16 scenes/segments. As it stands now, 6 of them are complete (1-3,5,7,11). Scene 8 is very close and I started Scene 9 today. Elements have been built for 4, 6, and 12, but they are still in the very early stages (partly because I haven’t cast or recorded dialogue for a few of the Fridge Landers). Scenes 13-16 haven’t been started. I estimate I am roughly 40% done with the visuals. That leaves me 9 months to finish the other 60%.
The smiling cowboy above is Freddy Foodstuff. He is anthropomorphized masticated food and the star of Scene 9. Jon Gormley was kind enough to perform his voice, as well as Dr. Enzyme. He’ll be teaching us about the process of digestion while he giddy-aps through the digestive tract.

Marty watches as the Enzymes convert food into energy
Pancreas Arrival
March 3rd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Ejected onto Pancreas Island
Work continues on Scene 11 wherein Marty visits Pancreas Island and meets the Enzymes. Thus far, this is the only part of the short that includes actual 3D CGI animation. I am using a really old version of  Vue Infinite (I only barely know how to use it) to create the island and its environs. Everything else that has been done so far has been traditional 2D or After Effects 2.5D (flat planes distributed in 3D space).
Here are a couple of samples of Marty composited into the CG world.
Higher quality versions and other fun stuff are available at the Marty Facebook Fan Page (it’s where all the cool cats are hanging out these days).

Marty stares into the Gastric Ocean