September 20th, 2011 § § permalink

Meat tentacles attack Marty!
Last week was a whirlwind of Marty work. I was able to finish four scenes bringing the completion of the visual part of the show to about 80%. This will, hopefully, make it possible for me to finish the episode by the end of the year. Keep your fingers crossed. If you haven’t “fanned”, “liked”, or “followed” (or whatever it’s called when you are reading this) the Facebook page, then you missed out on lots of image updates including a shot of Fridge Land.
I’ve added a Characters Page to the site so everyone can read up on the various folks populating Marty’s world. If you click on their thumbnail images, you’ll be taken to a page with a high resolution version of that character’s image. Feel free to send your favorite image(s) to a friend (or foe). More characters will be added in the future.
Until next time.
Three more scenes to go!

The Eggs chime in with their thoughts about Mr. Meat.
March 3rd, 2011 § § permalink

Ejected onto Pancreas Island
Work continues on Scene 11 wherein Marty visits Pancreas Island and meets the Enzymes. Thus far, this is the only part of the short that includes actual 3D CGI animation. I am using a really old version of  Vue Infinite (I only barely know how to use it) to create the island and its environs. Everything else that has been done so far has been traditional 2D or After Effects 2.5D (flat planes distributed in 3D space).
Here are a couple of samples of Marty composited into the CG world.
Higher quality versions and other fun stuff are available at the Marty Facebook Fan Page (it’s where all the cool cats are hanging out these days).

Marty stares into the Gastric Ocean
July 28th, 2010 § § permalink

Are you hip to the trends of the 21st century? Yes? Then, you must be a Facebook user since everyone and (literally) their grandma is using it these days. Well, The Many Maladies of Marty Mitchell is no different. We have one of those new-fangled fan pages. You can join Marty’s fan page on Facebok by clicking