No more staring at still images and imagining how they move and sound. A new Many Maladies of Marty Mitchell preview video is online! Three minutes of preview clips and storyline information is all yours if you simply click the ‘play’ triangle above.
New Video Preview
April 18th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
Plowing Along
April 7th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Marty speaks with the all-knowing Seers
It would be great if I can keep up this unlikely pace. Scenes 8 and 9 are completed. This means half of the sequences are done and I am roughly at the 50% mark. I’m hoping to jump into Scene 10 tomorrow or within the next few days. I am also hoping to cut a new Work-In-Progress video to put online in the near future. In the meantime, I have more Intergalactic Bathrooms and Earthbound Kitchens to animate. Ciao!
A rather ordinary bathroom. Dumb Waiter slides up from the floor. Marty exits. He is flanked by a toilet, a shower head and a mirror.
See ya!
Dumb Waiter drops into the floor. Marty addresses the room with outstretched hands.
Oh clever Seers of time and space, come visit me in this place!
A Beat.
Three heads appear: one in the toilet, one in the mirror, one in the shower head. As they speak, they alternate phrases.
Marty Mitchell… our clever friend… what brings you to the Intergalactic Bathroom?
There is trouble in Fridge Land. IÂ left out some meat over night.
The Seers gasp.
It went bad… really bad. I have to save Fridge Land and King Pickle. I need your help.

Freddy Foodstuff in animated form
Open Up, Mr. Dumb Waiter
December 9th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Marty speaks with Mr. Dumb Waiter
Work continues on the Pilot Episode.
Here are two screenshots of Marty meeting with Mr. Dumb Waiter and being transported to the Intergalactic Bathroom.
Marty enters the room and approaches a small DUMB WAITER.
Open up, Mr. Dumb Waiter. I must
visit the Intergalactic Bathroom.
The Dumb Waiter opens and Marty climbs inside.
How rude.
The Dumb Waiter launches into outer space with Marty inside.

Mr. Dumb Waiter travels to the Intergalactic Bathroom
Urinals in Space
November 6th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink
Work on Marty continues.
Above is a shot from the Intergalactic Bathroom where Marty converses with the all-knowing Seers.