February 28th, 2011 § § permalink

Marty unleashes his battle-cry (or is it a leg cramp?)
What is the best place to visit after learning about digestion? The Land of Gastros, of course. Work is moving forward on scene 11. Jon Gormely has been nice enough to lend his voice to two digestion-based characters, Freddy Foodstuff and the heroic Dr. Enzyme. I completed the initial editing of the scene a few minutes ago. Compositing and animation begins shortly. Mr. Meat better watch out!

An early look at the Land of Gastros
February 21st, 2011 § § permalink

The Pilot episode will contain three educational segments. The first is nearly complete. Bartholomew Bacteria steals the show for 38 seconds to teach us about food safety and why we shouldn’t leave food out for long periods of time. SPOILER ALERT: It can make you sick!
Overall show update: I estimate the post production animation/compositing for the pilot episode is roughly 30% complete. I’m pushing hard to make sure this thing is finally finished this year. Keep your fingers and cilia crossed.
February 9th, 2011 § § permalink

Marty learns many things on his quest to confront Mr. Meat. One of those things is why you shouldn’t leave food out for long periods of time. It gives bacteria like botulism the opportunity to invade your leftovers.